In line with tradition at the AGM of Provincial Grand Charity on 9th March 2024, The PGM went on to announce following changes and first appointments to Craft Grand Rank.
The Provincial Executive -
WBro Lt Col Michael Charles CASEMAN-JONES, TD SGD is to take the position of Assistant Grand
Secretary at Mark Masons Hall in London and so will be standing down as Assistant Provincial Grand
Master at the Provincial Grand Lodge meeting on 16th May 2024.
WBro Francis Margôt, PAGDC (pictured above) will be invested as Assistant Provincial Grand Master at the Provincial
Grand Lodge meeting on 16th May 2024.
(Name Rank as below)
Jonathon Richard Hedley HIBBINS AGPurs
Aaron Albert DAY PAGDC
Peter Harvey DIGBY PAGDC *
Duncan Philip CHILDS PAGStB
( * signifies Appointment via London)
WBro Jonathon Hibbins ProvGMO / WBro Aaron Day ProvGChap / WBro Duncan Childs PPSGW
We congratulate all brethren on their respective preferments and look forward to them being invested at the meeting of Grand Lodge on 24th April 2024 or otherwise as detailed.
The following First Appointments and Promotions were also announced on behalf of The Royal Arch:
First Appointments
Russell Laxton PGStB
Michael Leslie Smith PGStB
John Albert Payne PAGSoj
Simon Andrew Mighall PGStB