Provincial Website Treasure Hunt coming on the 14th of September 2024 - click here for details!

Provincial Grand Charity

The Masonic Province of Northamptonshire and Huntingdonshire maintains a charity known as the Provincial Grand Charity of Northamptonshire and Huntingdonshire (Registered Charity No. 1028243).

The charity's annual report and accounts are circulated to lodges via their Provincial Grand Charity (PGC) representatives. They are then approved at the PGC's Annual General Meeting.

The Provincial Grand Charity is funded by donations from all lodges in Northamptonshire and Huntingdonshire and makes charitable donations to deserving causes throughout.

Aims of the Fund

  • To provide timely and needed help to brethren and their widows in this Province who fall into financial hardship
  • To make annual donations to Masonic charities by supporting the charity-festivals presided over by other Provinces
  • To make donations to local non-Masonic charities both independently and in conjunction with lodges in the Province.


Each member of a lodge in the Province makes a contribution of 50p per year to the Provincial Grand Charity. This is part of a member’s lodge subscription

Lodges are encouraged to make regular donations to the Provincial Grand Charity with the aim of building a sound financial resource.

The Charity also receives donations from:

  • Other orders (link)
  • Lodges of instruction
  • Sporting and leisure associations in the Province

Income is also derived from investments held by the Charity.

How the Fund Supports Brethren and Dependents

In all cases of distress, the lodge in question is first expected to extend help to the needy brother or dependent in question. The Lodge should make, if necessary, an immediate grant from the lodge almoner funds.

In cases of continuing financial distress, the lodge almoner is asked to complete a "Joint Application Form for Assistance" and submit it to the Provincial Grand Almoner. This document, which includes a financial examination of the applicant, is used by the Provincial Grand Almoner to seek assistance from the appropriate Masonic charities.

In cases of urgent need, the Provincial Grand Charity can make an emergency grant, helping the applicant until the Masonic charities have had opportunity to examine the case.

Beneficiaries, including those cases which are taken over by the Grand Charity are remembered by the Province which makes a summer and a winter grant to each of them. The Trustees have been particularly mindful of rising fuel and food costs when considering the Provincial Grand Charity's summer and winter grants. However, these small grants are as much an act of remembering the beneficiary as a matter of giving material help.

How the Fund Supports Palmer Court

Palmer Court in Wellingborough is a sheltered housing complex set up by the Masonic Housing Association for the accommodation the elderly, many of whom have Masonic connections. The Fund provides an annual sum to help provide extra comfort and facility for the residents.

How the Fund Supports Non-Masonic Charities

The Provincial Grand Charity also makes donations to non-Masonic Registered charities (eg the Samaritans, youth training initiatives, and other local good causes).

Assistance to Lodges in the Province for Non-Masonic Charity Donations

For Northamptonshire & Huntingdonshire lodges already committed to supporting non-Masonic local registered charities, it is easy to apply to the Provincial Grand Charity for potential assistance in augmenting the Lodge's Donation. The steps to do so are as follows.

Send an email or letter to The Provincial Grand Almoner (the Secretary of the Charity) whose address is in the Provincial Yearbook, giving:

  • The exact name of the registered charity that the Lodge wishes to support (including that charity's registered number)
  • The work of the charity
  • The geographical region in which it operates/is based
  • The reason(s) why you have selected that particular cause for support

With your request please send a cheque made payable to 'Provincial Grand Charity of Northamptonshire & Huntingdonshire' for the value of the Lodge's contribution.

This letter will be presented to the Trustees for their consideration at the next available meeting (held in February, May, August and November).

If successful, we will return to your lodge a Provincial Grand Charity cheque for the combined total of both yours and the Provincial Grand Charity's contribution, which you will be able to present to your chosen charity.

In the event of the Trustees being unable to offer support, the Lodge's cheque will be returned.

Points to remember about the Provincial Grand Charity's non-Masonic grants:

  • Grants are only made to registered charities
  • The Provincial Grand Charity does not assist individuals or non registered charities
  • Grants should be directly applied to work within the Province (if it is a national charity then the funds should be destined for use by a local branch only)
  • The Trustees meet in February, May, August and November and applications for support are only considered at those meetings

Letters of Thanks

The Provincial Grand Charity helps many registered charities that work within the Provincial boundaries. These donations are listed in the accounts published annually and approved at the Annual General Meeting.