2021 06 17 ra

20 05 27 megsAs Grand Superintendent I am immensely proud to be the Head of The Supreme Order of the Royal Arch, the culmination of all that is Pure Antient Freemasonry, within this Province and I welcome you to our web-site.

If your journey in Freemasonry has so far taken you to the level of Master Mason you will, no doubt, have much to ponder on and I urge you to strive to grasp the meaning of the lessons taught thus far through continued enquiry, research and deliberation.

However, there is one aspect of the Third Degree where, I venture to suggest, answers cannot be found until time or circumstance should warrant their discovery, within The Supreme Order of the Royal Arch.

The Preliminary Declaration printed on page 1 of the Book of Constitutions, given to all at Initiation, defines that which constitutes Pure Antient Freemasonry. Those who have read the Preliminary Declaration will understand why the Grand Master has publicly stated that all Master Masons should complete their journey through Pure Antient Freemasonry by becoming a Companion of The Supreme Order of the Royal Arch.

This fourth and final stage is open to all Master Masons from four weeks after their Raising and draws to a close, in the colourful ceremony of Exaltation, the journey of discovery and enlightenment that is Pure Antient Freemasonry. Our explanatory pamphlet, 'The Next Step for Master Masons', can be viewed by clicking here (members only).

Like the Grand Master I urge all to complete the journey, started at Initiation, by Exaltation into the joyous Companionship of The Supreme Order of the Royal Arch and I look forward to the day when I can greet you as a Companion. Please click here to get in touch.

James Boughton
Grand Superintendent

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