Craft News
- Written by: Robert Oliver
As part of the preparation for the Annual Festival of the Federation of School Lodges on Saturday 31st August 2024, the President of the Federation RWBro Sir David Wootton PDGM and 2nd GP (pictured below) met with President Elect RWBro Mark Constant PGM at Peterborough Train Station on a flying visit to conduct the handover of the Presidents' Collaret and Gavel.
- Written by: Peter Robinson
The Provincial Grand Master RWBro Mark Constant is pleased to announce the following Group Officer changes and appointments.
WBro Gerry Crawford is appointed as Senior Group Officer and WBro Tony Potter PPJGW as Group Officer, both from the 1st of November 2024.
- Written by: John Marlow
Our Wellingborough Mill Road centre will be hosting a Discover Freemasonry Open Day on Saturday, the 14th of September 2024 – details as below.
Everyone is welcome – please do come along and bring your family and friends.
- Written by: Richard White
The Lodge of Merit No 466 which meets in Stamford has been involved in conjunction with the Woods Family Fair in assisting to provide a safe and exclusive fair experience to local Stamford children and young adults with learning needs. W.Bro Ian Hall was the instigator and it is now in its eleventh year. I am sure that all the brethren involved get as much enjoyment and satisfaction as the guests themselves!