On Monday 7 December 2009 Ailwyn Chapter 3535, in the market town of Ramsey, Cambridgeshire, celebrated the presentation of a Diamond Jubilee Certificate to one of their founder members, EComp Ivor Thulborn.

EComp Ivor Thulborn (extreme right) with EComp Rodney Wolverson (1st left), EComp Wayne Williams (2nd left) & Other Comps

Comp Ivor was exalted into Caldwell Chapter 2727 in the Province of Cambridgeshire in October 1949. He has served his mother and his present Province of Northamptonshire and Huntingdonshire during those 60 years.

(l to r) E Comp Rodney Wolverson, EComp Ivor Thulborn, E Comp Wayne Williams & EComp Ivan Greaves

The certificate was presented on behalf of the Province by the Most Excellent Grand Superintendent, EComp Wayne Williams.  He was accompanied the Most Excellent Grand Superintendent for the Province of Cambridgeshire, EComp Rodney Wolverson.  They were supported by the all members of the Northamptonshire and Huntingdonshire Provincial Executive and six senior Provincial officers.

65 Comps - 19 visitors from Cambridgeshire and a 46 local - blended together in fraternal companionship.  They enjoyed a special and unique evening, all wishing Comp Ivor many more happy years in Freemasonry.

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