On 26th November 2022, 141 Companions & Brethren attended Sheaf Close for a simple blood test. 

The Graham Fulford Trust who carry out the tests have since confirmed 4 “Red Letters” were issued, recommending the recipients to seek further medical screening for Prostate Cancer.

The Most Excellent Grand Superintendent commented, “Over the years that this P.S.A. Screening programme has been organised by the Royal Arch during this time and a significant number of Companions/Brethren have been advised to seek further medical examination, despite them experiencing no physical symptoms. 

They openly admit that this early intervention may well have saved their lives and we thank the Craft who now financially support the scheme enabling us to organise the screening programme on an annual rather than a bi-annual basis.”

Further sessions are planned for Peterborough in February and Corby in April. Companions and Brethren living in those areas will receive notification nearer to the events.